
Facilities for researchers at Maliau Basin Conservation Area include the Maliau Basin Study Centre on the edge of the Basin and several research camps inside the Basin itself.

The Maliau Basin Study Centre was officially opened in 2011 and provides modern research facilities (scientific laboratory, offices, EE Complex etc.) and comfortable accommodation including cooking facilities for visiting researchers i.e. the newly built researchers-quarters funded by IKEA is ideal for long-term stay.

A number of basic accommodation facilities in the form of research stations (Agathis, Nepenthes, Ginseng, Seraya, Lobah, Eucalyptus and Strike Ridge), ranging from basic camping areas to well-equipped permanent structures are also readily available in and on the periphery of Maliau Basin Conservation Area. The Stations are located along a series of well-connected trails.

  1. Agathis Camp: The Agathis Camp is located near the Maliau River, providing a stunning view of the surrounding forest. This research station offers comfortable living quarters, a kitchen, and a laboratory for researchers. The station also has a bird-watching platform, making it an ideal location for ornithologists.
  2. Nepenthes Camp: The Nepenthes Camp is situated on the rim of the Maliau Basin, providing an excellent view of the forest below. This station has a laboratory, kitchen, and comfortable living quarters for researchers. The Nepenthes Camp is an excellent location for studying the biodiversity of the surrounding forest, including rare and endemic species.
  3. Ginseng Camp: The Ginseng Camp is located in the central part of the Maliau Basin, surrounded by dense forest. This station has a laboratory, kitchen, and living quarters for researchers. The Ginseng Camp is an ideal location for studying the flora and fauna of the surrounding forest.
  4. Maliau Falls Studies Centre: The Maliau Falls Studies Centre is located near the stunning Maliau Falls. This research station has comfortable living quarters, a kitchen, and a laboratory for researchers. The Maliau Falls Studies Centre is an excellent location for studying the biodiversity of the surrounding forest and for conducting hydrological research.
  5. Agathis-Maliau Junction: The Agathis-Maliau Junction is located at the junction of the Agathis and Maliau Rivers. This research station has a laboratory, kitchen, and living quarters for researchers. The Agathis-Maliau Junction is an ideal location for studying the riverine ecosystem of the Maliau Basin and for conducting aquatic research.

Each of these research stations in MBCA offers unique research opportunities for scientists and researchers studying the diverse and unique biodiversity of the area.

To see more on the facilities and accommodation offered at the Maliau Basin Conservation Area please visit http://maliaubasin.org/home/